Friday, November 12, 2010

What is Fighting Strategy

Strategy is a plan or method for maximum utilization of power through long range planning and development to obtain a specific goal such as security or victory. Strategy begins long before the confrontation. It begins with your first day of training. If you train well, with a goal in mind, your strategy is already being carried out.

By seeing training as a part of your overall combat strategy, you conserve time and energy. You will be well conditioned to perform the movements required to implement your strategy. You also will have confidence in adapting your training to actual combat, because your training has been modeled after real combat all along.

Strategy is long range and intricate. It takes careful consideration and purposeful planning. Strategy allows you to maximize what you already have through skillful execution of your best weapons. Strategy should not be confused, however, with tactics. Tactics are the actual deployment of the physical skills you have prepared. Strategy is the map and tactics are the vehicle you use to navigate the course you have plotted. One without the other is like being lost without a map or having a map without viable transportation—useless.

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