Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Understanding Fighting Combinations

When you look at a sample technique or combination, analyze it carefully. First look at the primary response. What is it? Why is it effective? How will it work best for you?

Consider the secondary responses that follow. How are they combined? Which targets are they intended for? How can you adapt them to fit your body type and ability?

Through examining sample Junsado combinations, you will find several principles that run throughout Junsado. The hand skills, hook kick and knee strike are the main striking weapons. Joint immobilizations are used frequently to finish attackers, especially when the defender is disadvantaged. Every skill has a special purpose in training and execution.

As you practice each skill, you will come to understand its applications and purpose. Then you are ready to adapt it to fit your own physical and psychological character and style. Adaptation is the foundation of effectiveness in Junsado. When you master and adapt Junsado skills, they will fit you perfectly to your own nature. They will become part of you.

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