Thursday, September 16, 2010

Offense and Defense as One

There are several types of defense. The best defense is one that does not give the opponent the opportunity to attack, thereby avoiding any chance of being hit. The second best defense is one that can block, evade or cut any attack the opponent launches while incurring little or no damage.

The first case is the ideal goal of your training. In the best type of defense, defense and offense become one. There is no thought about which movements are defensive and which are offensive. Every movement is so well executed that the opponent has no chance to launch an effective attack. You give him neither a vulnerable target nor a chance to attack.

This is an underlying principle of Junsado. Every movement is executed to attack perfectly without providing opportunities to the opponent. For example, imagine an assailant attempts to punch you in the face. The conventional strategy of offense and defense dictates that you first block his punch and then counter attack. While you are blocking, you leave yourself vulnerable to attack.

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