Thursday, June 30, 2011

Change of Tactics

Change of tactics states that if conventional tactics work, use them and if not abandon them for what works. Use every available option until you succeed. There are situations where even the mastery of conventional tactics is not enough to save you.

If you try striking and it fails, change to grabbing or throwing. If that doesn’t work, try locking or immobilization. If that doesn’t work, go back to striking. Often a combination of different attacks and tactics can extricate you where a single type of attack cannot. Consequently, Junsado emphasizes a diverse array of simple, practical skills that can be combined to defeat any style of opponent.

Often, empty hand striking alone will not be strong enough to defeat your opponent. When you find yourself in this situation, search out and use common environmental weapons. The list of possible environmental weapons is limited only by your creativity. Use whatever is necessary and works for you.

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